Saturday, April 9, 2011


Now, as you all know, I am 84Km from Fukushima I Nuclear plant. So we were worried a bit about radiation. Still a little worried. But not as freaked out as the foreign media.
This website:
Shows a visual of the radiation in various situations and the real time counts from nearby cities. The visualization is basically that if you could see the radiation like it was rain, that's what it would look like.
The top four boxes are from left to right:

World Average     Tokyo-NY flight   Prepare to evacuate level  Must evacuate level

The second row is: (city, prefecture)
Fukushima, Fukushima   Mito Ibaraki,  Utsunomia, Tochigi,   Maebashi, Gunma

Third row:
Saitama, Saitama    Ichihara, Chiba    Shinjuku, Tokyo   Kanagawa

We are somewhere between the Fukushima City and Mito levels.

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